How To Reflash BIOS

How To Reflash BIOS: A Comprehensive Guide

Hey there! Are you experiencing issues with your computer or looking to optimize its performance? Well, one often overlooked solution lies within the BIOS, or the Basic Input/Output System. The BIOS plays a crucial role in the functioning of your computer, initializing hardware and facilitating the boot process. But did you know that updating and reflashing the BIOS can help resolve bugs, improve compatibility, boost performance, and enhance security?

Today, I’m here to guide you through the process of reflashing your BIOS step by step. Don’t worry if you’re not a tech expert—I’ll break it down into simple terms. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to reflash your BIOS like a pro, avoiding common pitfalls and maximizing the benefits of a firmware update.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let’s quickly cover what BIOS reflashing entails. In a nutshell, BIOS reflashing refers to updating or rewriting the firmware stored in the BIOS chip on your computer’s motherboard. Think of it as a software upgrade for your system’s brain. This process can fix bugs, address compatibility issues, optimize performance, and provide critical security updates.

Now, why would you want to reflash your BIOS? Well, there are several reasons. First, BIOS updates often come with bug fixes and compatibility improvements. If you’ve been experiencing crashes, system instability, or strange hardware behavior, a BIOS reflash might just do the trick. Second, manufacturers release updates to enhance system performance, allowing your computer to run faster and smoother. And let’s not forget about security. BIOS updates frequently include patches for vulnerabilities, safeguarding your system against potential threats.

However, it’s important to tread carefully when it comes to BIOS reflashing. Like any significant system modification, there are risks involved. But fear not! I’ll walk you through the precautions to take and help you navigate the process with confidence.

Understanding BIOS Reflashing

Before diving into the reflashing process, it’s important to understand what BIOS reflashing entails. Reflashing refers to the act of updating or rewriting the BIOS firmware stored on your computer’s motherboard. It is typically performed to address software bugs, enhance system performance, add new features, or address security vulnerabilities. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons you may want to flash your BIOS.


1. Bug fixes and compatibility issues

BIOS updates often include fixes for software bugs and compatibility issues that can cause system instability, crashes, or hardware malfunctions. Reflashing the BIOS can resolve these problems and ensure your system runs smoothly.

2. Improved system performance

Manufacturers occasionally release BIOS updates to optimize system performance, enabling your computer to run faster or more efficiently. By reflashing the BIOS, you can take advantage of these improvements and potentially enhance your overall computing experience.

3. Security updates

Security vulnerabilities in the BIOS can leave your system exposed to various risks, including unauthorized access or malware attacks. BIOS reflashing allows you to apply security patches and updates provided by the manufacturer, reinforcing your system’s defenses.

However, it’s important to exercise caution when reflashing the BIOS, as improper execution can lead to irreversible damage. Before proceeding, take note of the following risks and precautions:


Risks and precautions

1. Potential data loss: BIOS reflashing involves writing new firmware to the BIOS chip, which can inadvertently erase or corrupt data. To mitigate this risk, ensure you have a reliable backup of important files and data before starting the process.

2. Power supply considerations: A sudden power outage or interruption during BIOS reflashing can result in a corrupted BIOS, rendering your system unusable. To prevent this, ensure your computer is connected to a stable power source and consider using a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

3. Choosing the correct BIOS version: Installing an incompatible or incorrect BIOS version can lead to compatibility issues or system failures. Always double-check the manufacturer’s documentation and download the appropriate BIOS update for your specific motherboard model.


Preparing for BIOS Reflashing

Proper preparation is key to a successful BIOS reflashing process. Here are the essential steps to follow:

1. Identify the motherboard and BIOS version

Before downloading and installing a BIOS update, identify your motherboard’s model and the current BIOS version. This information can usually be found in the BIOS setup utility or obtained from the manufacturer’s website.

How To Reflash BIOS

2. Back up important data

As mentioned earlier, BIOS reflashing carries the risk of data loss. Therefore, create backups of critical files and data to an external storage device or cloud service before proceeding with the update.

3. Verify power source and stability

Ensure your computer is plugged into a reliable power source and consider using a UPS to prevent power interruptions during the reflashing process. A sudden power loss can lead to a corrupted BIOS.

4. Disable antivirus software and other security measures

Before initiating the BIOS update, disable any antivirus software or security measures that may interfere with the reflashing process. Some security software may mistake the update process for malicious activity and block it.

5. Create a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD

Most BIOS updates require a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD to initiate the reflashing process. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation for instructions on creating a bootable device and copying the necessary BIOS update files onto it.


Executing the BIOS Reflash

Once you’ve completed the necessary preparations, it’s time to execute the BIOS reflash. The specific steps may vary depending on your motherboard and the manufacturer’s instructions. Here are the general guidelines:

Step-by-step guide for different scenarios

1. Using the manufacturer’s official tool: Many motherboard manufacturers provide dedicated software tools for updating the BIOS. Download the appropriate tool from the manufacturer’s website, follow the provided instructions, and let the tool guide you through the reflashing process.

2. Using a third-party utility: In some cases, third-party utilities like Rufus or Universal BIOS Backup Tool can assist in BIOS reflashing. Ensure you download these utilities from trusted sources and follow their respective documentation for proper usage.

Common BIOS reflash methods

Depending on your system and motherboard, you may encounter different methods for flashing the BIOS:

1. Flashing from within the BIOS: Some motherboards offer the option to update the BIOS directly from the BIOS setup utility. In this case, enter the BIOS by pressing the specified key during system startup, navigate to the BIOS update section, and follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the reflashing process.

2. Flashing from DOS mode: Certain BIOS updates require you to boot into DOS (Disk Operating System) mode to execute the reflashing process. Create a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD with a DOS environment, copy the necessary BIOS update files, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to initiate the update.

3. Flashing from a bootable USB drive: This method involves booting your computer from a USB drive containing the necessary BIOS update files. Restart your computer, access the boot menu by pressing the designated key, select the USB drive, and follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the BIOS reflash.

Troubleshooting common issues

While performing the BIOS reflash, you might encounter some issues. Here are a few common problems and their potential solutions:

1. Failed BIOS reflashing: If the BIOS update process fails or gets interrupted, refer to the manufacturer’s documentation for instructions on recovering from a failed BIOS update. This might involve using a recovery feature or contacting technical support for assistance.

2. Recovering from a corrupted BIOS: In the unfortunate event of a corrupted BIOS, some motherboards offer a backup or recovery mechanism. Consult the motherboard’s manual or the manufacturer’s website for specific instructions on recovering from a corrupted BIOS using a secondary BIOS chip or a recovery jumper.


Post-Reflash Steps

Once the BIOS reflashing process is complete, there are a few important steps to follow:

1. Verifying successful BIOS update

Enter the BIOS setup utility and verify that the updated BIOS version is displayed correctly. This ensures that the reflashing process was successful and the new firmware is in place.

2. Configuring BIOS settings

Review and reconfigure any custom settings in the BIOS setup utility that may have been reset during the reflashing process. This includes settings related to boot order, device recognition, and overclocking if applicable.

3. Reinstalling antivirus software and security measures

Once the BIOS update is complete, re-enable your antivirus software and any other security measures that were temporarily disabled. Ensure they are up to date to maintain a secure computing environment.

4. Testing system stability and performance

After the BIOS reflashing process, it’s advisable to test your system’s stability and performance. Run stress tests, benchmarking tools, or perform typical tasks to ensure that the system is functioning optimally and without any issues.



Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to reflash your BIOS and unlock the potential of your computer. By following the steps outlined in this guide and taking the necessary precautions, you can keep your system up to date, resolve issues, and improve overall performance.

Remember, BIOS reflashing is a task that requires attention to detail and caution. Always double-check the manufacturer’s instructions, ensure you have the correct BIOS version for your motherboard, and back up your important data before proceeding. Power stability and a reliable power source are also vital to avoid any unexpected interruptions during the reflashing process.

After reflashing the BIOS, take a moment to verify that the update was successful. Enter the BIOS setup utility and confirm that the new BIOS version is displayed correctly. From there, reconfigure any custom settings, reinstall your antivirus software and security measures, and thoroughly test your system’s stability and performance.

If you ever encounter any issues during the process or if the reflashing doesn’t go as planned, don’t panic. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation, seek support forums, or reach out to technical support for assistance. There are often recovery mechanisms in place to help you recover from a failed or corrupted BIOS.

By keeping your BIOS up to date, you’re not only ensuring optimal performance but also taking proactive steps to address potential security vulnerabilities. Stay vigilant and periodically check for new BIOS updates from your motherboard manufacturer. With a little bit of knowledge and caution, you’ll be able to confidently reflash your BIOS whenever necessary.

Now go ahead, take the plunge, and unleash the full potential of your computer with a BIOS reflash. Enjoy the benefits of a smoother, more secure, and high-performing system!



I hold a Bachlors degree in Information Systems and have worked in technology for over 20 years. I currently work as a Network Engineer In Charlotte NC. I enjoy helping others navigate technology in an easy to understand way.

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Hi Everyone! My name is Adam, I am the Editor of Wally Home. I hold a bachelors degree in information systems and more then 20 years experience in technology. I am currently working as a Network Engineer in Charlotte NC. I love sharing my knowledge to help others with technology. I hope you find the information helpful and informative. Enjoy your stay!

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